LAA Rally SYWELL (Northamptonshire)

NARRATIVE by Rob Kenyon photos by Ian Jarman

Usually, held on the first weekend of September the Light Aircraft Association (LAA) hold their annual Fly-in (Rally) at Sywell Aerodrome in Northamptonshire, UK. 

The LAA were formerly known as the Popular Flying Association (PFA) and prior to that the Ultralight Aircraft Association whose roots actually date back to 1946.


The PFA became the LAA in 2008 and their famous annual Rally returned to Sywell in 2009 after several years of moving to various airfields around the UK. Yet if the truth be told they never became settled and often encountered problems akin to an unwanted pet!  Fortunately, the LAA has now become firmly established at it’s “Spiritual Home” – Sywell.  

The 2019 Rally was held from 30th August to 1st September. All photos within this report were taken at the 2019 Rally by Ian Jarman.


Fortunately, the Rally is thriving again and actually growing each year. This is not an airshow but a gathering of aviators looking to meet friends, talk aircraft and visit exhibitors who sell anything from a new aircraft to the latest navigational aids. 

Visiting the Rally will kill two birds with one stone. First you visit Sywell Aerodrome which has been in private ownership since 1928. It is a flourishing aviation centre, home of a warbird collection, the Blades display team, Cirrus UK and a busy general aviation scene. The owners have ensured the art deco infrastructure has been preserved, including the Aviator Hotel and Bar which is full of interesting memorabilia and is open during the Rally. It is always a beautiful airfield to visit the like of which any “real aviation person” whatever your interest will fall in love with!  During the LAA Rally it becomes the busiest light aircraft aerodrome in Britain.

Photo credit: Pilotweb aero / Pilot magazine

Photo credit: Pilotweb aero / Pilot magazine

Car parking is free and adjacent to the airfield meaning that access is easy and well managed. It is a just short walk into the airfield, past the Hotel and a fee of £12.00 (2019) will gain entrance to wander round the exhibitors and maybe have a drink in one of the airside Hangars used for hospitality during the Rally.  

The atmosphere is very relaxed, friendly and Spotters / Photographers are certainly made welcome. The aircraft owners are avid enthusiasts themselves and will always welcome questions about their prize possession. Indeed, it’s not unheard of to be offered a flight!  


Whilst there are exhibitors and trade stands this is certainly not a Farnborough or Dubai, as the exhibition marquees will often contain vintage aircraft!


Out on the field the Rally attracts up to 1000 visiting aircraft over the three days. Everything from Microlights, Home-builds, Auto Gyros, Vintage Aircraft, Piper and Cessna singles and twins right up to the odd PC12 and King Air will visit. Quite simply every year brings a number of surprises, even aircraft which are making their first flight to get to the Rally.


The array of aircraft types, both modern and old make it one of the most interesting aviation events of the year. Whilst the majority of visiting aircraft are from the UK there is a growing number of overseas visitors mainly from Europe. Thus giving it the billing as “Britain’s Biggest International Fly-in Event”


A major attraction for the enthusiast is the chance to go airside. For an extra £10 you can buy a pass which allows you to wander the lines of aircraft or relax near one of the runways watching / photographing the arrivals and departures.  

The organisers are well aware that many enthusiasts visit the Rally and to their credit many of the Hangars will have a list of the aircraft inside attached to the door.  

Obviously the weather has a major influence on this event. The good part is you can leave a decision on whether to make the trip right up until the day before.  

Camping / Caravanning is available in one of the adjacent fields (in 2019 it was £35 regardless of length of stay) and aircraft owners can pitch a tent next to their aircraft for just £10.  

There are local hotels and guest houses, but be warned these tend to fill up very quickly so early booking is advised. 

For the aviation enthusiast there is currently no need to purchase entrance tickets in advance (it’s not an airshow).

 If the forecast is good, the Rally is without doubt well worth a visit. 


You will enjoy one of the best aviation weekends in the UK, see many rare and unusual light aircraft, get some great pictures and if you are a spotter pick up plenty of new numbers!. If you’ve never been to an LAA (PFA) Rally you are in for a treat enjoying the company of fellow aviation enthusiasts. 

If you are into fast jets it’s probably not for you! But you may see a Red Sparrow?

Photo: James Fairbrother.

Photo: James Fairbrother.

Looking forward to 2020… 

Dates for the LAA Rally 2020 have been confirmed as:-

4th, 5th and 6th September 

For further information see the LAA Website:-